Subject :
Faculty Workshop: How to Use Social Media as a Learning Tool
Campus General
Date :
February 06 2018
Time :
3:30 PM - 4:45 PM
Location :
Mell 3550


Our students are digital natives. Instead of prohibiting phones or social media use in the classroom, let’s meet students where they are by using social media as a learning tool. Many of us use social media tools outside of work and we know that our students spend a lot of time on social media. Using social media, an already familiar environment for students, gives them a comfortable starting point for their learning.

Participants in this workshop will:

· Develop teaching strategies for using different social media platforms

· Identify which social media platform works for different purposes

· Explore at least one social media tool you were previously unfamiliar with

· Become mindful of student needs, privacy concerns, etc.

To prepare for this workshop, please read this article – Learning in Bursts: Microlearning with Social Media

To learn more and register for this workshop, please visit the Biggio Center website.