Subject :
Marion Bridge
Campus General
Date :
April 15 2020
Time :
7:30 PM - 9:30 PM
Location :
Telfair Peet Theatre Blackbox


Marion Bridge

By Daniel Maclvor

Directed by Daydrie Hague

When three sisters return home to Cape Breton, Nova Scotia to care for their dying mother, they must confront not only the realities of the present moment but also the truths of their own lives. Told with a combination of great compassion and humor, Daniel MacIvor’s Marion Bridge calls on audiences to share space with these sisters and journey with them as they reconnect with one another and grapple with the passage of time


Telfair B Peet Theatre Black Box

Wed. 4/15 7:30pm

Thurs. 4/16 7:30pm*

Fri. 4/17 7:30pm

Sat. 4/18 2:30pm


*Talkback Thursday