Subject :
ePortfolio Faculty Workshop: Teaching Technical Competency
Campus General
Date :
November 13 2017
Time :
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Location :
ePortfolio Studio, RBD Library


The ePortfolio Project here at Auburn uses open-source platforms that provide lots of user support, but teachers still worry about providing support and instruction in the learning outcome of technical competency. We’ve defined that outcome in terms of navigation choices, attention to technical details, and ethical literacy. In this workshop, we’ll demonstrate how we teach these elements to students and consider how to adapt these strategies to classroom activities or incorporate them into course requirements. We’ll spend the bulk of the workshop looking at student ePortfolios and considering how aspects of ethical literacy work in different disciplines. Participants can expect to leave with a better understanding of which technical features need their guidance and which do not and will create an action plan for incorporating one or more of these elements into their own courses. Registration is free, but required. Space is limited. Visit the ePortfolio Project Faculty Workshop web page for more information, or register now.