Subject :
No Impact Week challenge
Campus General
Date :
March 25 2018
Time :
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
Location :
Your residence

Each year the College of Liberal Arts Hosts No Impact Week to educate the community about human impacts on the natural world and how we can reduce this impact. This includes various activities throughout the week focused on the themes of trash, food, consumption, transportation, water, energy, giving back, and Eco-Sabbath.
This year, the Office of Sustainability will be completing and encouraging lifestyle challenges, as an interactive way for groups and individuals to explore their personal impact. The staff and interns at the Office of Sustainability will participate in different challenges for the entire week prior to No Impact Week and share the process through social media (@AUsustain) using the hashtags #noimpactweekAU and #NIWactions.
We’re encouraging groups or individuals from the Auburn community to join us! Just choose a theme, pick a challenge, and follow the instructions for at least 5 days from Sunday, March 25th-Friday, March 30th.
We hope you will choose to take on a lifestyle challenge and help us spread awareness about sustainability efforts!