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January 30, 2014
Time: 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Location: Langdon Hall

The Honors College Film & Lecture Series for Spring 2014 is called “k(NO)w poverty?” and all events in the series are open to all members of AU and the public at large. The k(NO)w poverty? series continues with a lecture entitled “What Kind of Citizens K(NO)w Poverty Matters” by Dr. Paulette Dilworth. She is a native of Alabama and currently serves as the Assistant Vice President for Access & Community Initiatives at AU. Dr. Dilworth has devoted her professional career and much of her personal life to exploring issues of access, civic engagement, equity, and community building. Non-perishable food donations will be collected for donation to the D.I.M. Mobile Food Pantries.

Name of Sponsor Organization: The Honors College

Contact Person: Ken Thomas

Contact Email Address:

Contact Phone Number: (334) 844-5860